Is your organization truly Agile, or is it stuck in the state of Scrummerfall—going through Agile-prescribed motions but not really moving out of a mini-waterfall mindset? For Agile testing to reach its full potential for improving quality at speed, companies must commit to more than sprints, scrum and ceremonies.

In our latest Testing Show, mabl’s Lisa Crispin and Qualitest’s Elle Gee and Jamie Phillips join Matt and Michael to share their insights on the good, the bad and the ugly of current Agile adoption and testing; offer tips and strategies for Agile testers; and discuss how DevOps and CI/CD are impacting Agile practices and outcomes.

The Testing Show: Agile Testing—From DevOps to Continuous Delivery

Tune in to learn the answers to these questions and more:

  • Why so many companies are going about Agile in the wrong way, and how that affects testing
  • What tactics testers should use to handle Agile testing challenges
  • Why testers are in a singular position to overcome Agile’s biggest hurdle: getting DevOps, IT and other teams on the same page and talking to each other
  • Why an automation framework is essential to Agile testing success
  • Why more and more Agile teams are incorporating a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery pipeline
  • What “Slow down to speed up” means to Agile success, and when it’s imperative for testers to take their time.